Athletic Mouthguards

Sports are fantastic for teaching kids teamwork, goal-achievement and a love for physical activity. For adult athletes, sports keep them fit and healthy. However, if you or your children play impact sports, protecting your teeth should be a priority. It only takes one blow or fall to chip or knock out a tooth. Horizon Dental Care offers customized athletic mouthguards to protect the smiles in your family.

Teeth are incredibly strong, but trauma can dislodge a tooth or crack the enamel. If a crack is below the gum line or too deep to repair, the tooth may need to be extracted. Mouthguards put a layer of cushion around the teeth to absorb impact caused during sports. This protection can prevent most dental injuries from sports, keeping the smiles in your family safe when they are playing their favorite sport.

Custom Sports Mouthguards

Although there are one-size-fits-all mouthguards you can buy, they do not offer the comfort or protection of a customized sports mouthguard. At Horizon Dental Care, we can create mouthguards that perfectly fit the bite and teeth of our patients. The fit is important. If the mouthguard is too loose, it may slip during an impact. If it is too tight, it can be uncomfortable. Our dental experts will ensure that the mouthguards we create for your family members are a perfect fit for protection and comfort.

If you have kids that are playing sports or you are a weekend warrior yourself, come see us at Horizon Dental Care for a customized athletic mouthguard. The smiles in your family are too precious to put at risk. A mouthguard can reduce pain and the possibility of tooth damage. It can also save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in tooth repairs. Contact Horizon Dental Care today to schedule your appointment.


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Horizon Dental Care - Georgetown


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