Changing up Your Smile With Veneers

Dental veneers are the perfect cosmetic dental treatment for anyone looking to achieve that perfectly even and bright smile. They work to improve a less-than-perfect smile by concealing the real teeth behind an ultra-slim layer of resin composite or porcelain.

Here at Dental Implant and Aesthetic Specialists of Atlanta, Dr. Brett Langston and Dr. Paul Hanna, your Atlanta, GA, dentists commonly use veneers in our Decatur, GA, office to alter the color, size, symmetry, and shape of our patients’ teeth. To figure out whether veneers can change your smile, answer the questions below.

Are You Not Satisfied with Your Teeth Shape?

If you’re unsatisfied with your teeth shape, veneers could be a viable option for you. They can mask teeth that are too small, too pointy, or slightly crooked. Essentially, they can be tailor-fitted to give the exact proportions and shape that you want your teeth to have.

Do You Have Stained or Discolored Teeth?

If you’ve tried professional teeth whitening before and found that it didn’t work to get rid of stubborn stains, veneers are perfect for you. Your Atlanta, GA dentist will help you determine the shade of veneers that will look natural and blend seamlessly with your other teeth.

Are You Looking to Address Your Gapped Teeth?

The majority of gaps between front teeth don’t really have any negative impact on the other teeth. That being said, some people don’t like the look of gapped teeth. For these people, dental veneers are an excellent solution. If you have a significant gap, however, orthodontic treatment might be a better option for you.

Do You Have Slightly Damaged Teeth?

If you have teeth with some minor damage, cracks, and chips, for instance, veneers can certainly mask them. It’s important to point out, however, that your dentist will first need to make sure that the damage hasn’t compromised your tooth structure. Put simply, veneers can transform teeth with cosmetic damage.

Simply put, if you’re done tolerating your damaged, stained, gapped, or misshaped teeth, you can count on dental veneers to fix these cosmetic imperfections and give you the smile of your dreams.

Reach Out to Us To Find Out If Your Smile Can Be Transformed With Dental Veneers

Call your Atlanta, GA, dentist at (404) 321-4588 to set an appointment with Dr. Brett Langston or Dr. Paul Hanna here at Dental Implant and Aesthetic Specialists of Atlanta in Decatur, GA.

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