Dental Implants Specialist

A great smile can mean the difference in how you feel about yourself from the inside out. Dr. Hebda, at Complete Health Dentistry does dental implant restoration for patients of all ages. Located in Ashburn, Virginia, Complete Health Dentistry can refer you to the best dental implant specialist if needed, so you can enjoy your best smile. Call for a consultation, or schedule your appointment online to learn more.

Dental Implants

What do dental implants do?

Many adults think dental implants are the next best thing to having natural teeth, and they might be right. When you lose your teeth due to tooth decay, a disease, or a traumatic injury, your self-esteem and smile can take a hit. Dental implants are strong, stable teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. A dental implant is a metal post or frame that a dentist surgically attaches to your natural bone, beneath your gums. The metal post becomes a permanent base for a replacement tooth. Essentially, it’s the root of your new tooth. Your mouth will need a few weeks to heal after the post is in place.

Once your mouth has fully recovered, Dr. Hebda will mount the replacement tooth on the post. The replacement tooth is called a crown. Complete Health Dentistry uses a top-level lab and the finest dental materials available for the crown fabrication.

Since the dental implants fuse directly to your jnatural bone and are made of the highest-quality materials, they're strong and stable. They won't shift around uncomfortably in your mouth like some dentures. These metal posts also help bridges, dentures, and crowns stay solidly fastened to your jaw.

Why do some patients love dental implants?

In addition to feeling, functioning, and looking like natural teeth, dental implants provide the following benefits:

  • Last longer than other restorative procedures
  • Offer an economical solution to replacing missing teeth
  • Help maintain your natural face shape and restore your smile
  • Preserve your healthy natural bone
  • Help maintain the integrity of surrounding natural teeth
  • Allow you to speak comfortably and naturally
  • Don't fall out or move around in your mouth
  • Are strong and durable for chewing foods you love
  • Aren't wide open to cavities with an implanted crown
  • Offer a proven, predictable outcome for tooth repair

Who are candidates for dental implants?

It doesn't matter whether you're missing a couple of teeth or just one— you may be an ideal candidate for dental implants. Good candidates have healthy gums, and their jaws are finished growing. Dental implants are not appropriate for kids, as their mouths have not finished growing. However, implants are an exceptional solution for adults. You may also be a good candidate for implants if you're irritated by dentures that slip or if it's time to replace a bridge or partial dentures. Men or women looking for a more permanent, long-term solution to dental work may be good candidates for implants. Wondering if dental implants are right for you? Meet with Dr. Hebda to ask questions and learn more about your options. Book an appointment online, or call Complete Health Dentistry to take the first step toward a more confident smile.

Our Location

  • Address

    20600 Gordon Park Sq Ste 190,
    STE 190,
    Ashburn, VA 20147

Hours of Operation

Monday - Wednesday
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
7:30 am - 3:00 pm
By Appointment Only
Saturday, Sunday