• What exactly is tinnitus?
    It’s estimated that about one in every five people is affected by tinnitus, which is a ringing or noise in the ears. But tinnitus isn’t a condition in itself; it’s Read more
  • Common Emergency Care Visits: Toothaches or abscesses
    Dental problems do not always wait for normal office hours. Broken fillings or damaged teeth are common reasons for emergency treatment. Toothaches and abscesses can also require prompt attention. the Read more
  • Mouthguard Protection
    Let’s talk about mouthguards and night guards—two crucial appliances that protect your teeth and jaw. We could talk about how important a mouthguard is when you lead an active life. Mouthguards Read more
  • Natural Ways to Soothe a Toothache
    Toothaches can come in many different forms, but no matter which, they’re always uncomfortable. the doctor and our team want you to know there are simple ways to cure this Read more
  • Oral Health Concerns for Teens
    You have a lot more freedom as a teenager than you did as a young child. You also have a lot more responsibilities, and one of your jobs is to Read more
  • Improve Your Overall Health with Regular Cleanings
    It’s common knowledge that you should get your teeth cleaned every six months. But do you know why that timing is crucial? Studies have shown that your oral health connects Read more
  • Dental Emergencies while Traveling
    You’ve planned your dream vacation. Your reservations are made. You’re packed and ready. You’ve even scheduled a dental checkup at our Hampton, Virginia office to make sure you catch any Read more
  • Cleaning Your Baby’s Teeth
    In the eyes of most parents, nothing is cuter than their baby’s smile. Did you know your little one’s smile (that is, his or her oral health) actually plays a Read more
  • Tooth Worms? The History of Cavities and Tooth Fillings
    Scientists have discovered tooth decay in specimens that are more than 15,000 years old. The ancients once thought that cavities were caused by something called “tooth worms” … Eew! They Read more
  • What exactly is a cavity?
    We all know how discouraging can be it to hear you have a dental cavity. Knowing how cavities form can help you prevent them from popping up in your mouth. Read more
  • Smile! It’s Time for Arts & Crafts!
    If you have a child who loves arts and crafts, try some of these creative projects with a dental twist. One of these activities is sure to give your child Read more
  • Germs living on my toothbrush? Say it ain’t so!
    You may have heard talk about the germs that can reside on your toothbrush and thought, “really?” It’s true—there are several kinds of bacteria that can lurk on the bristles of Read more
  • The ABCs of Vitamin C
    A as in Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic acid is just another name for vitamin C, which is one of the so-called “essential nutrients.” These are nutrients that are necessary for our bodies Read more
  • Troubles with Cementum? Prevent ‘Em!
    Our teeth are a lot more complicated than they look. Beneath that shiny white surface is an entire system of different cell tissues working together to keep each tooth vital Read more
  • Back to School? Remember Your Dental Homework!
    It’s a busy time of year. Book lists! Supplies! New clothes! (How did they outgrow those shoes already?) And while you’re preparing your family’s list of back-to-school necessities, here are Read more
  • Labor Day: Our favorite holiday to rest!
    Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday each September here in the United States, is a holiday devoted to the American working community. The purpose of the holiday is honoring Read more

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