• When Is a “Cavity” Not a Cavity?
    Is this a trick question? After all, you probably already know quite a lot about cavities: It all begins when bacteria-filled plaque sticks to teeth and starts to attack enamel. How? Because Read more
  • Healthy Gum, Healthy Mouth
    “Shouldn’t that be healthy gums,” you’re thinking? And, of course, you’re correct. Healthy gums are extremely important not only for our dental well-being, but for our overall physical health. But that’s Read more
  • Proper Brushing Techniques
    Brushing your teeth properly removes the food particles and bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. However, you do not want to scrub your teeth or gums Read more
  • Five Things You Should Never Do With Your Toothbrush
    When’s the last time you gave your toothbrush any serious thought? Sure, you use it every day (and ideally twice), and you know that with a dollop of toothpaste it Read more
  • Five Common Reasons for Emergency Care Visits
    A dental emergency can strike anywhere, anytime, and without warning. Perhaps you’re playing a game of touch football on Thanksgiving and your brother-in-law decides to up the ante and tackles Read more
  • Going Green for the New Year
    Does your list of New Year’s resolutions for the coming months include reducing your ecological footprint? If so, let’s ring in the year with some basic—and some innovative—dental ideas to Read more
  • New Year's Eve
    Watching the clock tick down the final seconds until midnight, many of us- Maria F. Nichols, D.D.S. included- feel nostalgic about the passing year and hopeful about the new one Read more
  • Infant Teething Remedies: What Might Help—And What to Avoid
    Some lucky babies wake one morning displaying a brand new tooth to the complete surprise of their unsuspecting parents! But your happy baby is irritable and drooling. Or your hearty Read more
  • Understanding Cavities
    Getting a cavity seems like delayed punishment for eating that special dessert every weekend or for the few days you forgot to floss. When you are doing everything right with Read more
  • Is Your Broken Tooth An Emergency?
    When you chip a tooth badly, it can be a very nerve-wracking situation. the doctor and our team want to provide you with some information that can help if you Read more
  • What is biofilm?
    Biofilm, the protective housing for bacteria, is a hot topic in the medical and dental fields. Routinely taking an antibiotic for a bacterial infection has become more complicated because of Read more
  • What to Expect if You Haven’t Been to the Dentist in Forever
    It’s easy to miss a dental appointment. Life and duties intervene, and suddenly you have to push your appointment back once, then again, or forget about it. We get that. These Read more
  • Oh no, not the dentist!
    If you or your children suffer from dental anxiety, you aren’t alone. According to the Cleveland Clinic, between nine and 15 percent of Americans admit to feeling sufficiently afraid of Read more
  • Getting Ready for Winter
    Winter Is Coming. Okay, that sounded a lot more dramatic in a popular fantasy series. But here in the real world, winter is coming as well, so let’s look at some Read more
  • Halloween: Candy, costumes, and more!
    All Hallows' Eve, more commonly known as Halloween, is a yearly event celebrated on October 31, and one that is anticipated by the young and young at heart all over Read more
  • Alleviate Tooth Sensitivity
    If a sip of ice water, spoonful of ice cream, or piping hot latte is enough to send shivers up your spine from tooth sensitivity, be assured you are not Read more

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