What You Need to Know About Root Canals | Park Slope Dental Aesthetics

When you hear the words “root canal,” it is natural to feel a little uncomfortable. But root canals are actually necessary treatments that can save your teeth from further damage and even prevent other serious illnesses. As your dentist in Park Slope Brooklyn, we want to make sure you understand what happens when you don’t get a root canal and the risks associated with avoiding this treatment.

What Is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a procedure in which a dentist removes infected or damaged tissue from the inside of a tooth so that the tooth can be preserved and remain functional. This treatment is designed to repair and save severely decayed teeth instead of extracting them.

What Are the Risks?
If left untreated, infected or damaged teeth can become worse over time. The infection could spread beyond the pulp chamber into other parts of your mouth and body, leading to more serious illnesses such as heart disease. Moreover, if you do not get a root canal, your pain will only increase and could become unbearable. You might also need to have multiple teeth extracted due to continued damage caused by the infection.
In some cases, leaving an infected or damaged tooth untreated can cause permanent nerve damage that leads to long-term pain or numbness in the affected area. This nerve damage can also lead to issues with chewing food properly or speaking clearly.  
Finally, not getting timely root canal treatments can be expensive because you may end up needing more complex treatments down the line when things get worse. Additionally, it is important to note that while certain insurance plans cover some aspects of root canal treatments, they typically do not cover all costs associated with this kind of procedure.

When it comes down to it, getting timely root canal treatments is essential for maintaining your oral health and preventing more serious illnesses from developing due to neglected dental care. If you think that you may need a root canal treatment or have any questions about this procedure, please contact our office right away so we can help determine whether or not this procedure is necessary for preserving your oral health before things get worse! Our experienced dentists at Park Slope Brooklyn are here for you every step of the way!

Frequently Asked Question:

What Is a Root Canal?
A root canal is a procedure in which the nerve and pulp of a tooth are removed and replaced with a filling material. This is done to repair damage caused by cavities, extreme decay, and trauma.

What Causes the Need for a Root Canal?
The need for a root canal typically arises when bacteria reach the inner part of the tooth, causing inflammation and infection that can lead to pain. This may be due to deep decay, extensive restorations, large fillings, or facial trauma.

Is Getting a Root Canal Painful?
With modern tools and anesthetics, getting a root canal should not be painful. In fact, this treatment relieves pain by removing the infected tissue from your tooth.

How Long Does Recovery From a Root Canal Take?
Recovery from a root canal usually takes only a few days as long as you practice proper dental hygiene such as brushing and flossing daily. Any soreness should dissipate within 48 hours after the procedure.

Are There Any Complications That Can Occur With a Root Canal?
Complications resulting from a root canal are rare but can include persistent symptoms such as pain or sensitivity even after treatment is complete or fracturing of the treated tooth due to lack of adequate support during chewing or biting forces.

Is It Better to Get a Normal Filling or a Root Canal?
It is generally better to get a root canal than just a normal filling as it helps preserve more of your natural tooth structure while providing relief from the pain associated with inflammation and infection caused by bacteria inside your tooth's pulp chamber.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?
The cost of a root canal depends on several factors such as the location of the affected tooth in the mouth and its severity; however, it typically ranges between $500-1500 on average in the US without insurance coverage

Will Insurance Cover the Cost of a Root Canal Procedure?
Most insurance plans will cover at least part of the cost; however, it is best to check with your provider to verify coverage before beginning any treatment plan involving a root canal procedure

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