• Corrective Jaw Surgery

    Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, aims to correct abnormalities of the jawbones in order to realign the jaws and teeth to improve overall function. This surgery can also improve the outside appearance of your face. If you have problems with your jaw that cannot be corrected

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  • Oral Diagnosis and Biopsies

    An oral biopsy is a tissue sample gathered from an abnormality in the mouth and is sent to a lab to undergo further testing. The procedure would be required when a dentist cannot diagnose the problem by examination, X-rays, and symptoms alone. Common Oral Diseases There are a variety of oral diseases

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  • Sinus Surgery

    Dental implants are a great, innovative way to replace teeth, but sometimes there isn’t enough bone to support the implant. In this case, your doctor might recommend sinus surgery. Sinus surgery, also known as a sinus lift, is a bone grafting procedure that will augment and strengthen your jaw bone

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  • Wisdom Teeth Removal

    Wisdom teeth are the third molars in your mouth and the last permanent teeth to erupt. They typically appear between the ages of 17 and 25. For the lucky few, some never develop wisdom teeth or they erupt normally and cause no issues. For others, they experience what is called impacted wisdom teeth,

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  • Oral Surgery Procedures

    Oral surgery refers to any operation on your teeth, gums, mouth, or facial structures, and ranges from routine tooth extractions to more complex corrective jaw surgeries. While more complicated surgeries require hospital time, the majority of oral surgeries are performed in a dental office setting under

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  • Sedation Dentistry

    Sedation dentistry uses medication to help you feel more calm and relaxed during your dental procedure. Sometimes called conscious sedation dentistry, you will experience forgetfulness and insensitivity to pain all while still being conscious. Sedation dentistry can be used on patients of all ages. There

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  • Toothpaste

    As you know, your dentist recommends fluoride toothpaste because fluoride prevents cavities. Fluoride bonds with the calcium and phosphate ions in our tooth enamel, repairing weak spots. Even better, this new bond is stronger and more cavity-resistant than enamel alone. When it comes to preventing gum

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  • Interdental Cleaning Devices

    Twice a year when you visit your dentist for a checkup and professional cleaning, you are probably given instructions on proper oral hygiene. This will include brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day, using a toothpaste containing fluoride, and using a soft bristled toothbrush. Toothbrushes

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  • Mouthwash

    Adding an appropriate mouthwash to your dental hygiene routine can be a simple and effective way to improve your overall dental health. Mouthwash helps reduce plaque, control bad breath, and prevents tooth decay and gum disease. There are many types and brands of mouthwash available over-the-counter

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  • Oral Hygiene for Kids

    It can be a challenge to get our children to brush, brush well, and brush often. Here are some tips that can help you keep those beautiful little teeth healthy. The most important time to brush is at night before bed. When we sleep, our saliva production decreases, and this creates an environment for

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  • How to Brush and Floss

    It’s no secret that the best way to prevent oral decay and disease is by maintaining a strict oral hygiene routine every day. Brushing and flossing go hand in hand; you shouldn’t do one without the other. Brushing your teeth is an excellent way to remove food debris and flossing allows you to get

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  • How to Prevent Cavities

    Cavities are small in size but can cause big problems. In the form of little holes in your teeth, they develop when acid attacks your tooth enamel, the essential protective covering for your teeth. The acid may come either from your diet or certain oral bacteria that flourish when poor oral hygiene is

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  • Aging and Oral Health

    It’s important to take good care of your teeth as you age. Elderly patients often need more frequent visits to stay healthy, as they are at a higher risk of oral complications, including extraction, tooth decay, and periodontal (gum) disease. Electric Toothbrush One of the best things you can do for

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  • Geographic Tongue

    Geographic tongue, also called benign migratory glossitis, is an inflammatory condition in which red patches appear on your tongue resembling continents on a globe. The patches can appear on the top and sides of your tongue and sometimes other parts of your mouth. The shape and location of the patches

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  • Antibiotic Premedication

    Our bodies are home to bacteria which are common in our mouths, but which can be dangerous elsewhere. For some people, especially those who have chronic medical conditions, specific cardiac conditions, or whose immune systems are compromised, bacteria that spreads throughout the bloodstream and into

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  • Bad Breath

    What is Halitosis? Halitosis, also known as chronic bad breath, is often the result of improper care of your oral health. When you eat, food particles gather throughout your mouth, sticking to the surfaces of your tongue, in between your teeth, and on your gum tissue. Your oral bacteria break down these

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