• Minimally Invasive Dentistry
    As the field of dentistry advances and the use of technology in the field increases, the concept of minimally invasive dentistry has emerged. Preservation of a healthy set of natural Read more
  • What type of toothpaste is right for you?
    Toothpaste no longer comes in simple choices of fluoride and fresh breath. Paste is not even the only option! You can choose gel forms and even some with ribbons of Read more
  • Teeth Whitening and Your Smile
    The best type of whitening for your smile depends on what you are hoping to accomplish. Whitening Toothpastes This is certainly the easiest method of whitening, but will brushing alone produce your Read more
  • Are you at risk for oral cancer?
    Nearly 40,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer annually in the United States, with more than 8,000 dying every year from the disease. Oral cancer has a higher death rate Read more
  • Fall’s in the Air? Think Fall Dental Care
    Whether you already miss the sun’s bright rays, or can’t wait for some cool, crisp weather and colorful leaves, summer is making way for fall. And the change of seasons Read more
  • How do I pick the right toothpaste for my needs?
    With so many toothpastes available in so many price ranges, it can be difficult to be sure you are selecting the right one for your needs. You need a product Read more
  • What is Remineralization?
    “What is the strongest substance in the body?” If this question comes up on trivia night, be prepared to impress your team when you confidently answer, “Tooth enamel!” Tooth enamel? The Read more
  • Fluoride Use in Adolescents
    Fluoride is a mineral that plays an essential role in oral health. In fact, the significant reduction in American tooth decay in recent decades can be attributed to a greater Read more
  • Back to School? Remember Your Dental Homework!
    It’s a busy time of year. Book lists! Supplies! New clothes! (How did they outgrow those shoes already?) And while you’re preparing your family’s list of back-to-school necessities, here are Read more
  • Happy Labor Day!
    Labor Day is upon us, and that means the non-official end to summer. Before the kids head back to school and temperatures start to cool down, this is your last Read more
  • Dental X-rays and Your Child
    We’re parents, so we worry. It comes with the job description! That’s why we make sure our children use toothbrushes with soft bristles and apply just the right amount of Read more
  • How Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Waking Life
    We all know that sleep apnea causes many a difficult night. Noisy snoring, gasping for breath, and waking up dozens of times a sleep cycle are the unhappy consequences of Read more
  • What exactly is a root canal?
    Hearing that you need a root canal can be highly intimidating. What is a root canal? It is the removal of the nerve supply from the tooth. Here, the doctor Read more
  • The Dog Days of Summer
    Here we are in the middle of the hottest time of the year. Yes, it’s the dog days of summer. But, wait—just what are “the dog days of summer,” anyway? The Read more
  • The Many Types of Sedation Dentistry
    There are many reasons to choose sedation dentistry. Perhaps anxiety is an issue, or your teeth are extremely sensitive. You may have a low pain threshold, an easily triggered gag Read more
  • The Truth about TMJ
    TMJ is the quick way of referring to your Temporomandibular Joint. Pardon the pun, but that’s quite a mouthful! What is this joint, what does it do, and, if your Read more

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