Does My Child Need to Wear a Mouthguard to Play Sports?

If your child is active in sports, you will need to invest in a good mouthguard. Contact sports, in particular, can cause injuries to the mouth or teeth. Mouthguards can prevent broken teeth and injuries to the gums and lips when they are used properly, with some studies claiming that they can reduce the likelihood of these injuries by as much as 60 percent. Children who play rigorous sports or activities should have their mouths protected with a mouthguard. 

Which Mouthguard is Best?

While you can always ask your Garden City, NY dentist for advice on finding a good mouthguard, it still pays to know about the differences between the three types of mouthguards available. The first is custom-fitted mouthguards. These are designed by your dentist to fit your child’s mouth, and they provide the best possible protection. Your child’s dentist makes an impression and it is used to make a mouthpiece that is custom fit for your child. It is the most expensive type, but it provides the best fit.

Another type is a stock mouthguard. Stock mouthguards are pre-formed and ready to wear right out of the package, but they won’t fit everybody properly. They are the least expensive but are standard so the fit can be off. This can leave your child’s mouth and teeth open to injury. However, if your child participates in milder activities, it may be a good option and provide a layer of protection. Boil-and-bite mouthguards are similar to stock mouthguards, but they need to be softened in boiling water before they can adapt to your child’s mouth.

Let our dentist fit your child with a mouthguard

For more information or for help choosing the right mouthguard for your child, contact Dr. Dominique Lizzio, Dr. John Cerrato, Dr. George Sheehan, and their Garden City Dental team. They will be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

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