• Nutrition and Oral Health

    Nutrition goes hand in hand with oral health. It can affect the speed at which oral diseases may progress. Such diseases include caries, periodontal disease, erosion, cancer, ulcers, and dry mouth. For some people, good nutrition may not be a possibility due to age, specific medical conditions, or socioeconomic

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  • Oral Cancer Screenings

    Oral cancer screenings check for any precancerous or cancerous conditions in the mouth. An oral cancer screening is completed with an ultraviolet light that allows your dentist to view issues that cannot be detected with the naked eye. Precancerous lesions identified under this light are much easier

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  • Blood Pressure Medications and Your Oral Health

    If you experience high blood pressure, it’s vital that you discuss possible medications with your health care professionals, including your dentist. Some blood pressure medications cause the usual variety of side effects, such as drowsiness, upset stomach, or minor aches. But for some patients, particular

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  • Dental Exams and Professional Cleanings

    Brushing and flossing at home to keep up your oral health is great, but it’s also important to visit the dentist for checkups and professional cleanings at least twice a year. These checkups allow your dentist to identify any problems in your mouth that you cannot see just by looking in the mirror,

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  • Diabetes and Oral Health

    Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is important for diabetics, as they have an increased risk of developing oral infection and periodontal disease. Diabetes is a health condition that makes it difficult to manage blood sugar levels, and as a result, can lead to high levels of sugar in the blood and saliva.

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