• The Benefits of a Bright Smile
    Having a nice, bright smile can affect the way you look, and in turn, improve how you feel about yourself. With the help of the doctor to provide you with Read more
  • Medication Can Lead To Xerostomia in Women
    Xerostomia, otherwise known as dry mouth, can be a side effect of many common medications. Drugs used for blood pressure, birth control, antidepressants, or cancer treatments may cause the dry Read more
  • Safety of Dental X-Ray Radiation
    We all want to live our healthiest lives. We know that part of keeping ourselves healthy is regular visits to our Houston, Texas office for checkups and necessary dental work. Read more
  • September is National Gum Care Month!
    Can you believe it's already September? At Lakewood Dentistry, we know that gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people don’t recognize the warning Read more
  • Celebrate Labor Day by Getting Away
    Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to this country, and for many Americans, the holiday is a great time to relax at home with family and friends. Read more
  • Healthy Diet, Healthier Gums?
    Since gum disease is one of the most common adult diseases, it’s no wonder the doctor and our team stress the importance of prevention. Effective brushing and flossing, regular dental Read more
  • Cleaning Your Baby’s Teeth
    In the eyes of most parents, nothing is cuter than their baby’s smile. Did you know your little one’s smile (that is, his or her oral health) actually plays a Read more
  • The Dog Days of Summer
    Here we are in the middle of the hottest time of the year. Yes, it’s the dog days of summer. But, wait—just what are “the dog days of summer,” anyway? The Read more
  • Easing the Teething Blues
    Every moment of your baby’s first year of life is precious, since every day your child grows a little, develops new skills, and discovers new things. Most of it is Read more
  • When to Replace Fillings
    A dental filling replaces and restores the health of a tooth that has been damaged. Often, the need for a filling results from a cavity due to a large amount Read more
  • What's the best dental floss?
    Dental floss is similar to a lot of products that depend mainly on the consumer’s preference. Fact is, floss comes in a wide variety of flavors, coatings, and other variations, Read more
  • Root Canal Procedure
    Five words no one welcomes: “You need a root canal.” But if you are delaying treatment because you are worried about pain and an uncomfortable day in the dentist’s chair, Read more
  • Happy Fourth of July!
    Happy Independence Day from the doctor and team! The Fourth of July celebrations in America may have changed a lot over the years, but there is no doubt that we Read more
  • Take Your Pick!
    Before electric toothbrushes, before dental floss, before fluoride rinses, in fact, before recorded history, people who cared about their dental health had one primary tool—the toothpick. Ancient bronze toothpicks, bejeweled Read more
  • Caring for Your Cat’s Dental Health
    While you make sure your family is getting the best care possible, with regular dental checkups and cleanings at our Houston, Texas office, there is one family member that might Read more
  • Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?
    the doctor and our team at Lakewood Dentistry get this question a lot. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, once young people get their adult teeth. Because Read more

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