Viewing 161 - 173 out of 173 posts


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Celebrate Labor Day by Getting Away

Labor Day honors the contributions that workers have made to this country, and for many Americans, the holiday is a great time to relax at home with family and friends. Read More

How do I clean my baby’s teeth?

Creating good dental hygiene habits early in your child’s life is essential to the health of his or her teeth, even when your infant doesn’t have any. By starting now, Read More

The Five Most Common Reasons for Emergency Visits

An emergency usually evokes panic, and for good reason. Emergencies don’t discriminate when it comes to time or place. They’ll happen during your vacation, at home, while you’re shopping for Read More

Surprising Ways to Prevent Cavities

There are numerous ways to prevent cavities. Some, like brushing your teeth regularly and visiting our Cary, North Carolina office, are more obvious than others. Beyond the standard methods of Read More

Hot Day? Three Drinks to Leave Home When You’re Packing the Cooler

Whew! It’s a hot one! And whenever the temperature soars, you need to stay hydrated, especially when you’re outside or exercising. But all cold drinks aren’t equal when it comes Read More

When do children usually lose their baby teeth?

Many parents worry that their children’s teeth are not falling out on time. A lot of concerned parents want to know: When will my child lose his or her first Read More

A Word to the Wise about Wisdom Teeth

There are some pretty exciting rewards to look forward to as you transition from your mid-teens to your 20s. Driving! Voting! Graduation! But there is one rite of passage that Read More

Quit Smoking to Save Your Smile

You’ve likely heard that smoking increases risk of lung cancer and emphysema. But did you realize that your cigarette habit also has an impact on your smile? Chronic smokers suffer Read More

Teeth Whitening For a Bright Summer

Summer brings sunshine and warm weather, and many of our patients begin thinking about brightening their smiles this time of year. A whiter smile is one just one visit away Read More

Happy Fourth of July

Every year, Americans all over the world celebrate the birth of the country and its independence on the Fourth of July. There are countless ways that people celebrate and they Read More

Flossing Fixes

A length of floss plus your teeth is about as low-tech as it gets. But, as with so many other “simple” skills, it helps to learn just the right technique Read More

Alleviate Tooth Sensitivity

If a sip of ice water, spoonful of ice cream, or piping hot latte is enough to send shivers up your spine from tooth sensitivity, be assured you are not Read More

How Dental Crowns Help Strengthen Teeth

Dental crowns are solid tooth coverings that protect damaged, unhealthy teeth and restore function. Dr. Gary Beavers, your family dentist in Cary, NC, offers patients the dental care they need. What Read More

Viewing 161 - 173 out of 173 posts


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