• Do We Outgrow Tooth Decay?
    Short answer: No. But, since an answer that short is hardly worth the time it took you to click on the link, allow us to explain further! We tend to think Read more
  • Thanksgiving Trivia
    At Dreamy Draw Dental we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, the doctor wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a bit smarter Read more
  • Canker sores, cold sores, and mouth sores: What's the difference?
    At Dreamy Draw Dental, we know many people have experienced some form of mouth sores or irritation. Some mouth sores are harmless and go away on their own after a Read more
  • Why Professional Cleanings are Important
    Regular dental cleanings and checkups at our Phoenix, Arizona office are an excellent way to ensure everything is A-OK in your mouth. There’s a reason the American Dental Association recommends Read more
  • November Marks National Diabetes Awareness Month
    Diabetes is a chronic disease that increases the risk for many serious health problems, including severe gum disease. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and it’s a great time for us Read more
  • Halloween: Candy, costumes, and more!
    All Hallows' Eve, more commonly known as Halloween, is a yearly event celebrated on October 31, and one that is anticipated by the young and young at heart all over Read more
  • Eco-Friendly Toothbrushes
    When it comes to dental hygiene, “going green” is not the first phrase that comes to mind. But if you are brushing properly, you are also replacing your toothbrush every Read more
  • Make Brushing With Your Child Fun!
    It’s no secret that kids and adults have different priorities: your duty is to raise a happy, healthy child, but your little one’s only priority may be to have fun. Read more
  • Year-End Insurance Reminder
    the doctor, as well as our team at Dreamy Draw Dental, would like to give those patients with flex spend, health savings, or insurance benefits a friendly end of the Read more
  • Building Blocks for a Healthy Grown-Up Smile
    Even before a baby is born, those tiny baby teeth are already forming. Expectant mothers can help ensure that their children’s baby teeth will be strong and healthy by getting Read more
  • Four Tips for Soothing a Toothache
    Whether it’s a dull and throbbing ache or a sharp pain, toothaches can come in many different forms. Chances are you’ve had the discomforting experience once or twice in your Read more
  • Dental Infections
    the doctor and our team at Dreamy Draw Dental will tell you that dental infections can be very serious; sometimes, they develop into a life-threatening situation. Cavities are caused by Read more
  • Football Season? Practice Dental Defense
    It’s finally football season, and whether you’re on the field, at the game, or watching at home with friends, it’s time to work on some defensive dental strategies. Taking the Field If Read more
  • Labor Day: Our favorite holiday to rest!
    Labor Day, celebrated on the first Monday each September here in the United States, is a holiday devoted to the American working community. The purpose of the holiday is honoring Read more
  • What to Look for when Choosing a Mouthwash
    Mouthwash is important for more than just keeping your breath fresh and smelling great. Combined with other forms of dental hygiene, it can help prevent plaque, cavities, gingivitis, and other Read more
  • Thumb Sucking
    Learning to suck their thumbs is one of the first physical skills babies acquire. In fact, ultrasound images have revealed babies sucking their thumbs in the womb! Babies have a Read more

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