• Common Emergency Care Visits: Toothaches or abscesses
    Dental problems do not always wait for normal office hours. Broken fillings or damaged teeth are common reasons for emergency treatment. Toothaches and abscesses can also require prompt attention. the Read more
  • Happy Holidays! Healthy Holidays!
    It’s the holiday season! With so much to do and so much going on, you want to be at your best. We have some ideas to help make your season Read more
  • The Link Between HPV and Oral Cancer
    Cancer has become a common word, and it seems like there is new research about it every day. We know antioxidants are important. We know some cancers are more treatable Read more
  • Thanksgiving Trivia
    At PREMIER DENTAL ARIC KUEHNER, D.D.S. we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, the doctor wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a Read more
  • Are there foods that whiten teeth?
    Coffee. Blueberries. Red wine. Tomato sauce. They might please our palate, but they are notorious for staining our teeth. Luckily, nature has balanced the scales for us! Here are just Read more
  • November Marks National Diabetes Awareness Month
    Diabetes is a chronic disease that increases the risk for many serious health problems, including severe gum disease. November is Diabetes Awareness Month, and it’s a great time for us Read more
  • Happy Gums, Happy Heart!
    Medical doctors and dental health professionals, like the doctor, have debated over the connection (or lack thereof) between gum disease and heart disease. While there still is no unanimous consensus Read more
  • What's in toothpaste and how does it work?
    the doctor and our team recommend that you brush your teeth two to three times a day, for at least two minutes each time. But have you ever wondered what’s Read more
  • Aging and Dental Health
    As you grow older, your mind may be preoccupied with the health of your bones, heart, or brain. However, our team at PREMIER DENTAL ARIC KUEHNER, D.D.S. will tell you Read more
  • What causes tooth loss?
    When children lose baby teeth, it’s a time to rejoice. But when adults suffer from tooth loss, it may be a sign of a serious problem. That’s when it’s time Read more
  • Fall’s in the Air? Think Fall Dental Care
    Whether you already miss the sun’s bright rays, or can’t wait for some cool, crisp weather and colorful leaves, summer is making way for fall. And the change of seasons Read more
  • Most Valuable Dental Treatments
    At PREMIER DENTAL ARIC KUEHNER, D.D.S., we work to find a dental plan that will work best and most effectively for you. But we’ve found that three treatments tend to Read more
  • Thumb Sucking
    Learning to suck their thumbs is one of the first physical skills babies acquire. In fact, ultrasound images have revealed babies sucking their thumbs in the womb! Babies have a Read more
  • Can Your Dentist Tell If You’re Left-Handed?
    Sherlock Holmes, that most famous of fictional detectives, observed clues, analyzed them, and used his powers of deduction to arrive at the solution to his cases. the doctor and our team Read more
  • September is National Gum Care Month!
    Can you believe it's already September? At PREMIER DENTAL ARIC KUEHNER, D.D.S., we know that gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people don’t Read more
  • Happy Labor Day!
    Labor Day is upon us, and that means the non-official end to summer. Before the kids head back to school and temperatures start to cool down, this is your last Read more

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10:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-6:00 pm





