Our Dental Technology

At Wilton Dental Care, we strive to provide our patients with top-of-the-line dental care that is efficient and exceptional. We employ some of the latest technologies to help us achieve this goal. Newer technologies mean our patients are more comfortable and we’re able to provide treatments with better and longer lasting results.

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Digital X-Rays

Clunky film and waiting for images is a thing of the past thanks to digital X-rays. Now, images of your teeth and jaw bone are available on our computers immediately. This means we can diagnose issues and begin treatment faster than ever before. Digital X-rays also emit up to 90% less radiation than traditional X-rays, making them safe for most of our patients!

Intraoral Cameras

Ever wonder what the dentist sees when he looks in your mouth? With our intraoral cameras, you can see for yourself! These cameras allow us to show you in real-time what we’re seeing, point out areas of concern, and even walk you through your treatment plan with ease. We can also take pictures of your teeth and gums to help inform our diagnoses.

Smile Preview Software

We can design your dream smile before your treatment ever begins thanks to smile preview software. Whether you’re seeking restorative treatments like crowns or dentures or cosmetic services like whitening or veneers, we can give you an idea of what your teeth will look like after the procedure. With your input, we’ll make tweaks until the smile you see is the smile you want. We’ll then use that same software, and the smile we designed with it, to inform and carry out treatment.

Soft Tissue Laser

Thanks to our soft tissue laser, we can perform a variety of treatments with less pain, no sutures, and a faster recovery time. From gum care to cosmetic treatments like gum recontouring, our laser makes it easier than ever.

Call (203) 762-8586 to learn more!

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm

Once Per Month


8:00 am-5:00 pm

Once Per Month

