We Use Dental Veneers in Stafford to Correct a Variety of Challenges

We provide dental veneers in Stafford for patients that want to change the appearance of their teeth. Dental or porcelain veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that can correct minor defects with one's teeth. Veneers are an extremely versatile solution for any number of corrections. Because the porcelain is so fine, it takes on many of the qualities of the natural tooth enamel. One quality includes being extremely hard, thus making the dental veneers durable for years after the initial placement. The porcelain also looks and feels like tooth enamel, which means that the veneer will have the same aesthetic appeal as the other teeth. The veneer becomes a part of the tooth, so cleaning one is exceedingly simple. The super-thin porcelain is extremely malleable and can be molded in a variety of different ways to give a patient the perfect smile.

Can anyone get dental veneers?

Most people do not have trouble acquiring dental veneers. In fact, it is such a simple procedure that the vast majority of patients can walk in, have a consultation, and set up an appointment for the procedure right away. To make sure that there are no underlying problems, we will conduct a full examination on the first visit. This allows us to catch any potential problems with the teeth that we must address before proceeding with the veneer treatment. One example of a reason to hold off the procedure is cavities. If a patient has a cavity, we will want to fill it before implanting the dental veneers. There are a very rare number of people who cannot get dental veneers. In cases like that, we will explain why dental veneers are not the best treatment option and work with the patient on other solutions. We will help the patient meet the goals and objectives he or she has for a perfect smile.

How are dental veneers attached?

When placing dental veneers in Stafford, the solution is mostly permanent. The removal process for dental veneers is not easy and is not recommended since we have to remove a small portion of the enamel in order to correctly place the dental veneers. We will start by shaving a few millimeters of the teeth, which is enough to place the veneers flush with the rest of the teeth. By placing the veneers so tight, we are able to give patients that perfect smooth set of teeth that they desire. Each set of veneers is custom made per the patient's specifications. We create the veneers in the laboratory to match each patient's teeth, including the color and shading of the teeth.

When a patient comes in for the second appointment, we will remove the temporaries and place the permanent dental veneers at our office in Stafford. We will then place the veneer on the tooth. During the placement process, we will do a number of things. First, we will make sure that the dental veneers are the right size and shape to give the patient a perfect looking tooth by paring down the veneer and trimming it. We will also check to make sure that the bite is either improved or not changed at all, by the veneer. Once all this is set up, we will cement the veneer permanently to the tooth. The results will be a new and improved smile.

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8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm



