Why You Should Visit a Kids Dentist Office

In our kids dentist office, we are used to working with kids and can help them to feel comfortable about their dental care. It is important to set the expectation of visiting the dentist from an early age, as it sets the tone for a lifetime of dentistry. If they can get into a routine of having their teeth cleaned twice a year now, it is something that can stick with them as they become adults, decreasing their risk of both cavities and gum disease.

We realize that a healthy smile starts with a healthy routine and will take the time to ensure that your child feels comfortable and relaxed when they visit us. This is perhaps the most significant difference between visiting a dentist that is used to working with children and one who isn't. We take the time to get to know our young patients, engage them in conversation and explain what we are doing so that they can feel good about their experience at the dentist. Simultaneously, there are things for them to do in our lobby, and our staff is warm and friendly.

Before your child ever visits our kids dentist office, there are things you can do to get them excited about having their teeth cleaned. We recommend heading to the library and checking out some books about kids visiting the dentist. Even their favorite cartoon characters like Elmo have books about having teeth cleaned or getting a cavity fixed. Since children learn a lot through stories, this can be a helpful step. We also suggest playing visiting the dentist and pretending to clean their toys teeth. This is empowering and can help children to work through any fears or concerns that they have. The story that they make up through play will give you an idea of what they are thinking so that you can also work out those concerns through your interactions.

You can also bring your child by our office before their first appointment. This way they can meet our office staff and check everything out. Many kids become worried when they go somewhere new, and this makes our office familiar to them when it is time for their actual appointment.

When it comes time for their teeth cleaning with our kids dentist office, we will often let them set the pace. Some kids are ready to get started and excited about being here while others tend to be apprehensive. In the latter case, we may examine their teeth on one visit and clean them on the next. This way they feel in control of the situation and at ease. We will do our best to ensure that they are comfortable at all times so that they will want to come back. This is really the key to early dental care, and we work hard to make sure that their experiences now set the tone for a positive outlook on dentistry in the future. To learn more, call and schedule a dental

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8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-5:30 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm



