What Is Preventive Orthodontics and How Can It Help My Child?

Everything You Need to Know About Preventive Orthodontics

What if there was a way to help prevent your child from developing serious health issues, like sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and even allergies? There is.

Breath is life. There’s a reason human beings don’t last more than a couple of minutes without breath. We need it to survive. From cognition to digestion, every bodily system requires sufficient oxygen to function properly.

The average person breathes in and out about 22,000 times per day. That’s 22,000 opportunities for the body to take advantage of life-giving oxygen. The problem is many people don’t take full advantage of those 22,000 opportunities because they can’t. Something is blocking their airway or otherwise inhibiting their ability to breathe properly.

However, children can grow out of these conditions before they ever become a problem with the use of preventive orthodontics.

Curious? Read on to learn all about it.

What is preventive orthodontics?

Preventive orthodontics are dental devices designed to avoid future problems from developing. There are both genetic and environmental factors that affect whether a child has or will grow into orthodontic problems. An orthodontist’s aim is to identify what problems are developing and devise a way to stop them while it is still relatively easy.

When should orthodontic treatment begin?

The best age for a child to first see an orthodontist is around age seven. Orthodontic problems will begin to appear around this age, and there is still plenty of time to correct them.

The type of problem your child presents with will largely determine when treatment should begin. Some types of orthodontic treatments can begin as early as seven to nine years of age. If braces are required, it is recommended to wait until all the patient’s baby teeth have fallen out. Usually, this treatment begins between 11 and 14 years old.

What does the orthodontist look for?

When you bring your child in for their first orthodontic visit, the first order of business is to conduct a complete examination. There are a number of things that indicate a child may benefit from preventive kids orthodontics. These include:

  • Continuing to suck their thumb after age five
  • Having difficulty with biting or chewing
  • Front teeth that are crowded together
  • Speech impediments
  • The child breathes through their mouth
  • Their teeth stick out
  • Their jaw sticks out
  • Their upper and lower teeth don’t come together correctly
  • The child experiences pain when biting
  • The child’s jaw shifts when opening or closing their mouth

Many of these signs are quite obvious, and parents can keep a sharp eye out for them as well. If you notice any of these, be sure to take your child to see an orthodontist, even if they aren’t quite seven years old yet. When you bring them in earlier for treatment, your orthodontist can devise a treatment plan that can be put into effect exactly at the optimal age.

After the initial visit, the orthodontist will then make recommendations for treatment (or not) depending on the state of your child’s mouth.

What happens if poor orthodontic development is not treated?

The results of poor orthodontic development will vary from child to child. Some children may not have any troubles at all, whereas others will have serious issues.

Kids who have uncorrected space issues or crooked teeth may find themselves more vulnerable to gum disease and tooth decay as they grow older. Crowded or crooked teeth are harder to clean, leaving spaces for food particles and bacteria to get trapped and negatively affecting the child’s oral health.

As we indicated earlier, proper orthodontic development is also crucial for proper breathing, which is integral to your overall health. There are various diseases, such as sleep apnea, temporomandibular joint disorders, and other systemic issues, that can be caused or worsened by poor breathing.

Benefits of Preventive Orthodontics

An experienced orthodontist is able to examine a child’s mouth and anticipate these problems, offering suggestions of how to fix them while the child is still growing. Many types of orthodontic problems can be treated in adulthood, but this route is less recommended. Adult procedures generally take longer and may be more painful. Not to mention, they tend to be more expensive because of the extra work involved.

It can also be more socially uncomfortable to wear orthodontics in adulthood. A metal smile while giving a work presentation is less than desirable. However, preventive orthodontics as a child removes this problem and leaves your child with a smile ready to dazzle their coworkers when the time comes.

Your Child’s First Orthodontic Visit

Is your child reaching the ideal age for their first orthodontic visit? Even if they’ve passed it or it’s early but you have noticed potential problems, it’s a good idea to visit an orthodontist.

Reach out for an appointment today in St. Albans, VT, to keep your child on track for a gorgeous smile and healthy adulthood!

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