What Patients Are Saying About Our Treatment for Tough TMD Cases

Introducing Lori and Brenda, two patients who found permanent relief from TMD after decades of chronic pain.

Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) affects millions of Americans, causing headaches and chronic pain around the jaw, face, and neck. A large number of individuals with TMD struggle to find relief from their discomfort, and many live undiagnosed and unaware that there are treatment options available.

The Dickinson & Branon Dental Care team focuses on not only helping patients achieve optimal oral health through preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry but also relieving patients of chronic pain associated with TMD.

We’d like to introduce you to Lori and Brenda who have graciously shared their stories of finally finding relief through customized treatment plans with Dr. Dickinson.

30+ Years of Pain With No Diagnosis: Lori’s Treatment Case

Lori suffered from jaw pain, neck pain, and headaches for over 30 long years before finally finding her way into her new dental home of Dickinson & Branon.

Like so many patients who come to us, Lori went without a diagnosis for years.

“There was not one single dentist (Massachusetts or Vermont) that mentioned TMD, even after describing jaw and neck pain along with headaches while consistently chewing through mouth guards (one every two years).”

Lori ended up visiting us for a routine hygiene appointment. In fact, that day Lori was experiencing such pain from her soon-to-be diagnosed TMD that she almost canceled her appointment!

“I actually tried to cancel due to intense pain in my head, neck, and jaw; however, I was told if I could muster it, to please come on in. The problem was immediately found, and I was told Invisalign could fix it.”

Dr. Dickinson examined Lori and spoke with her about her symptoms, quickly making a diagnosis of TMD. Dr. Dickinson found that while Lori’s teeth were well aligned, her jaw and mouth were out of alignment from her TMD-induced jaw clenching.

“My front teeth were perfectly straight, so I did not need Invisalign for cosmetic use, but my jaw and mouth were completely out of alignment from clenching, and it was starting to deform my face and I had broken many of my teeth.”

Dr. Dickinson started Lori on a TMD treatment plan based on Invisalign to adjust her bite alignment. Invisalign is a highly effective tool used at Dickinson & Branon to help TMD patients resolve their pain caused by improper jaw alignment.

Lori began noticing relief in just a few weeks.

“Seven months later, my problems and pain were totally gone. I am still astounded (in a good way) over it.”

To other patients experiencing TMD pain, Lori has this to say.

“Do not delay one more day. Go to Dr. Dickinson and get your life back. He knows exactly what to do and can fix TMD quicker than you think.”

Years of Frustration From Ineffective Care: Brenda’s Treatment Case

Brenda was a unique case for us, in that she had already been diagnosed with TMD from a past dentist. She suffered from TMD pain for about 25 years and sought help from an oral pain specialist in hopes of putting her chronic discomfort to an end.

“I was wearing a splint that a specialist prescribed for me, and I used to clench and grind my teeth so badly at night that I broke the mouth splint within a week of having it fixed every time. It was very inconvenient since I could not eat anything without it in because my teeth no longer touched, so I was going constantly to get it repaired.”

Brenda not only experienced terrible pain, but her entire lifestyle had been upheaved by her TMD.

“For years I had been advised not to eat anything hard or chewy under any circumstances. I couldn’t anyway because I was in constant pain, and if I did try to eat something that was hard, I would get a stabbing pain in my jaw. When I opened my mouth, I was in constant fear of it locking. I could not yawn. I could not stand for anything to touch me on the side of my face. My teeth hurt all the time. I had a hard time sleeping, and I always woke up tired and clenching my teeth. I also had chronic headaches.”

During Brenda’s first visit, Dr. Dickinson learned about her history with the ineffective TMD treatment options she felt forced to live with thus far. Brenda was shocked to learn that there were other treatment methods available for her.

“During my first appointment with Dr. Dickinson, he did several jaw manipulations, and I experienced no pain after that visit, even though my mouth had been open during the examination! He explained that my jaw was very tense, my bite was way off, and I was clenching my teeth because my body was trying to correct the problem, but it could not because of the mouth splint I was using. He told me he could change everything with Invisalign.”

Dr. Dickinson started Brenda on an Invisalign-based treatment plan that gradually readjusted her smile and jaw into a proper alignment. Very soon into treatment, Brenda was elated to find that not only was her pain disappearing, but she could once again eat the foods she used to love!

“I am a total fan of the Invisalign system. I could not believe how fast it worked. It did not break! I am no longer grinding! No more headaches! My teeth have been moving so fast! My teeth meet in the front and on the left side now. I can bite and chew food without pain now, even nuts and dried fruits! I never thought I would ever be able to eat regular foods like a normal person again, and now I can!”

Brenda was once skeptical about the idea of Invisalign to treat TMD. After seeing the incredible results for herself, Brenda encourages others to not give up and to keep an open mind about treatment options.

“Trying Invisalign was a total leap of faith for me. I could not understand how it would work, but I had hope. I still do not understand why it works. I just know it does! It is easy to wear and easy to use. I highly recommend Dickinson & Branon Dental Care!  They helped me so much, and I am very grateful.”

Find the solution for your TMD pain by booking a consultation at Dickinson & Branon

If you suspect you have undiagnosed TMD or if you’re frustrated by ineffective TMD treatments, the Dickinson & Branon team is here to help. Take the first step toward a pain-free life by calling our office or filling out this form to book your consultation.

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