Professional Cleaning for Dental Build-Up

How long has it been since you had a dental cleaning? Professional cleanings at ProDental, Dr. Matt Tabrizi's general dentistry practice in Baytown, TX, are essential for your oral health.

How do plaque and tartar affect your teeth?

Do your teeth ever feel sticky or rough during the day? The sensation is caused by the build-up of plaque, a sticky film that contains bacteria. Acids that can cause cavities form when bacteria in plaque mixes with the sugars in foods. The acids create a weak spot in your tooth enamel that can soon become a cavity.

Plaque becomes tartar, a hard brownish deposit if some spots of the film remain behind after you brush and floss. The change can happen as soon as 10 days after plaque first forms. Tartar irritates your gums and can be a factor in gum disease.

Why professional cleanings are so important

Daily brushing and flossing get rid of plaque on and between your teeth. Unfortunately, plaque can remain on your teeth in hard-to-reach places even if you make brushing and flossing a priority. Although you can easily remove plaque by brushing or flossing, tartar remains on your teeth. The deposit is so hard that it can only be removed with special dental cleaning tools.

Luckily, both plaque and tartar can be easily removed with a professional dental cleaning. During your visit to the Baytown, TX, general dentistry office, the dental hygienist will clean your teeth thoroughly and use an instrument called a scaler to remove tartar from your teeth. In addition to getting rid of plaque and tartar buildup, cleanings also remove minor surface stains that can dull your smile.

After your visit, you can keep your teeth clean by:

  • Brushing twice a day with an electric toothbrush, preferably Phillips/OralB, and fluoridated toothpaste
  • Flossing once a day with dental floss, an interdental brush, floss picks, or a water-powered flosser
  • Using a mouthwash that kills bacteria
  • Limiting the amount of sugary or carbohydrate-laden foods you eat

Protect your smile with dental cleanings, one of the general dentistry services offered by Baytown, TX, dentist, Dr. Tabrizi. Call (281) 838-8888 to schedule an appointment for a cleaning and checkup at ProDental.

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5304 Decker Drive
Baytown, TX 77520
