Dental Implants: Tooth Replacement That Lasts

Dental implants have been successfully replacing missing teeth for more than 40 years. In that time, they have been proven to be a long-lasting, effective, and safe option, giving patients something that previously has not been available, a truly complete tooth replacement.

No other tooth replacement option simultaneously replaces the root and the crown of the tooth. Dentures, partials, and fixed bridges only simulate the top part of the tooth, but the part that you can not see (the root) is also vital for total oral health, and dental implants take your treatment to the next level by also replacing this part of the tooth.

Dental Implants Are Great
Dental implants are one of the most amazing technological developments in dentistry. They allow for realistic tooth replacements that do not just look like your natural teeth but they function like your natural teeth as well. These dental implants can be treated just like your natural teeth in terms of what you eat and how you care for them, so they are, for all intents and purposes, just like another set of natural teeth.

Dental Implants Keep Evolving 
Dental implants are not just a great option for replacing your missing teeth, they are getting better all the time. New innovations help ensure that people who could not get dental implants before, such as those without enough bone or with osteoporosis, can get bone grafts or use special types of dental implants such as angled implants, mini implants, or zygomatic implants to ensure adequate anchoring. And innovations like metal-free dental implants make implants more popular among people who might have been reluctant to get titanium implants.

If you want to learn more about dental implants and why there are the preferred tooth replacement option, call 203-433-0384 for Branford Office or 203-285-8163 for Milford Office.

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7:00 am-3:00 pm



