How Crowns and Bridges Can Help Your Smile

Discover the benefits of getting dental crowns and bridges for your smile.

Accidents happen! Yes, even to your smile. Whether you are dealing with extensive decay, or a cracked or broken tooth, our Las Vegas dentists, Dr. Robin Lobato and Dr. Sean Truong, are here to tell you how getting dental crowns and bridges could turn your smile around.

What are crowns and bridges?

These fixed dental restorations are custom-made just for you. A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a tooth to improve its function and appearance while a dental bridge involves multiple teeth in order to replace missing teeth. 

Why might I get a crown?

A crown is a very versatile restoration that can be used to protect a tooth from further damage. A tooth weakened by decay, infection, or trauma can often benefit from getting a crown. A crown will surround the tooth and provide a stronger and more durable outer layer of protection.

A crown may be recommended by our Las Vegas, NV, restorative dentist if you have a cracked, fractured, or broken tooth. A crown may also be recommended if you have a tooth that is badly misshapen,  discolored, or if you just had root canal therapy done. 

When are dental bridges needed?

A dental bridge is a fixed dental prosthesis that is designed to replace a single missing tooth or a few missing teeth in a row. A bridge uses two dental crowns, which are placed over teeth on both sides of the gap. The bridge, which contains false teeth, will be fused together with the crowns to anchor the artificial teeth in the middle.

Dental crowns and bridges offer an array of benefits. They help address tooth loss and filling gaps left behind by missing teeth. They also protect teeth from further damage while also improving the aesthetics of your smile.

Do you want to know more about dental crowns, bridges, and other restorative dentistry options we offer? If so, all you have to do is call Dr. Robin Lobato & Associates at (702) 877-0500. Our Las Vegas, NV, dentists, Dr. Lobato and Dr. Truong, would be happy to discuss possible treatment options with you.

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