What Are Dental Implants?

If you’ve been to your local Las Vegas dentist recently, you might have seen pictures or infographics that talk about implants. Well, what exactly are implants? Dental implants are implantable medical devices (man-made roots) that are placed into the jaw. The implants are made of surgical grade titanium alloy and are biocompatible with the human body. Implants are a great option to replace a missing tooth, or one that has become untreatable. If you have a missing tooth or have a broken tooth, then an implant might be your best option.
Here are the general steps for an implant. It all starts with diagnostics information in the form of an X-ray (3D scan or CBCT Scan) and a digital impression of the missing tooth area. This is done in order to plan the exact location to place the implant safely and predictably. On the day of the surgery, the implant is positioned in the site where the missing tooth was and a healing cap is placed. Many patients choose to have some sort of oral sedation during the implant procedure to help feel more relaxed. After two to three months of healing, an impression is taken to make the final crown. The crown is then installed on the post that was implanted and fitted to match your bite and colored to match the rest of your teeth.

At the end of the procedure you will be left with a beautiful smile and a "new tooth" that should last you many, many years, if not decades.
At Robin D. Lobato & Associates, we have performed thousands of implant procedures. Our state-of-the-art process is designed to provide you with the least amount of discomfort, with the highest degree of success.

Whether it is general dentistry or cosmetic dentistry, visit our Summerlin dental office to get started today! Both Dr. Lobato and Dr. Truong are Las Vegas natives practicing all aspects of general dentistry such as implants, crowns, and dentures. Let us be your go-to Las Vegas dentists when it comes to implants or other dental needs. We offer many different ways to help you be relaxed during your visit such as oral sedation and nitrous oxide. Visit our website or give us a call if you have any questions.

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