The Versatility Of Porcelain Veneers

Smile imperfections can make you feel self-conscious about the way you look, and these can come in many forms. From chipped teeth, slight gaps, and even discoloration, all of it can distract from your otherwise healthy smile. Porcelain veneers can give your smile a complete makeover by correcting these and other dental concerns. Reach out to your Las Vegas, NV, dentists Dr. Robin Lobato and Dr. Sean Truong if you would like to learn about all the ways that this very versatile treatment can improve your smile.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are thin caps that are made of a porcelain material so that it's both strong and can match the color of natural teeth. They are a permanent treatment that involves the removal of very little tooth structure, as compared with crowns. But similar to crowns these shells are bonded on top of your teeth, yet don't require as much work as a crown typically does. Depending on certain variables you may not even require anesthesia.


Improving your smile with porcelain veneers can allow your dentist to address a number of dental conditions all at once. The term smile makeover is often mentioned with the procedure because this is exactly what it can accomplish. If you have teeth that have been chipped, that are worn down, or just are not of the desired shape, they can be corrected with veneers. They can also be placed in order to reduce gaps between the teeth and are perfect for stains that do not respond to traditional teeth whitening. But porcelain veneers are not just full smile transformations, many who just have that one insecurity can have it corrected with a single veneer.

Veneers in Summerlin and Las Vegas, NV

If you are looking to improve the appearance of your smile consider porcelain veneers as an option, schedule a consultation today to find out if they're the best treatment for you. Make an appointment with Dr. Lobato and Dr. Truong in Las Vegas, NV, by dialing (702) 877-0500. Learn more about Veneers.

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