Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Give your smile a lifelong restoration that looks and feels just like a real tooth. 

If you don’t see your dentist regularly for care then you’re more likely to face decay and gum disease, two of the biggest contributors to adult tooth loss. If you end up losing one or more permanent teeth here’s how our Summerlin, Las Vegas dentists, Dr. Robin Lobato and Dr. Meghrik Assadourian, can rebuild your smile with dental implants.

What is a dental implant?

An implant is a metal post that takes the place of your natural tooth roots. In order to replace the missing tooth roots, our Summerlin, Las Vegas restorative dentists will need to place the implant into the jawbone. Once the implant fuses together with the bone and tissue, the implant can then fully support the false tooth.

The metal part of the implant (i.e. the artificial tooth root) is not visible when you smile. This part just provides a stable and long-term structure from which to anchor one or more false teeth into place. It is the crown, bridge, or dentures that will be visible when you smile.

What should I know about getting dental implants? 

Before undergoing any kind of restorative or cosmetic dentistry you will want to fully understand what kind of treatment and restoration you are receiving. Here are some important facts about dental implants:

They can last a lifetime: Since implants are made from highly durable titanium material and naturally fuse together with the jawbone, it’s not hard to believe that this tooth replacement could last a long time. How long exactly? Well, the longevity of your implant relies heavily on how well you care for your teeth and your new tooth; however, with the proper care, your implant could last several decades.

Most people are candidates for implants: If you are living with tooth loss in Summerlin, Las Vegas, then chances are high that dental implants could restore your smile. Factors that we need to consider in order to determine whether implants are right for you is the density and strength of the jawbone, as well as your overall health. Fortunately, the vast majority of patients qualify for treatment.

You don’t need the support of natural teeth: Dental implants are fully able to support themselves, which means that they don’t need neighboring teeth to anchor or hold them in place. Therefore, teeth do not need to be shaved down or prepped to support your new tooth. Your remaining natural teeth will not be altered in any way when receiving dental implants.

Need dental work? Give us a call

If you are interested in receiving dental implants from our Summerlin, Las Vegas office, then call us today at (702) 877-0500 to learn more.

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