Benefits of Dental Implant Treatment

Seeking dental care to replace missing teeth in your smile is essential to your overall health and happiness. While traditional restorations, such as removable dentures and bonded dental bridges, are useful, they do not provide the same variety of benefits as implant retained restorations.  For many patients, dental implants are often the first choice when they need to replace teeth.

If you’re weighing the benefits of dental implants against other procedures, consider the following advantages that are exclusive to implant treatment:  

Full Confidence in your Prosthetics

This is especially true for patients who have lost confidence in their smiles after total tooth loss. While patients who wear dentures may feel self-conscious about the limitations of their prosthetics, implant patients have the support of permanent restorations that function like their real teeth and do not move out of place while eating or talking. Beautiful new teeth that look life-like also make many patients feel younger and improve overall wellbeing.

Restored Jaw Bone

Tooth loss causes bone depletion, which can create a prematurely aged aesthetic.  As bone resorbs, chin and jaw shape can change and appear shrunken. Only implants actively stimulate jaw structure and prevent bone loss by replacing missing tooth roots and fusing with the jaw bone.
Patients whose teeth have been missing for years may benefit from initial bone graft to replace lost tissue, followed by the placement of implants to maintain their restored oral health. With this comprehensive approach to care, your implants and even surrounding remaining teeth will provide sustained durability. 

Significantly Improved Dental Function

Adhesive dentures aren’t well known for stability and must be religned frequently to accommodate changing jaw shape. Lower dentures especially have a hard time staying in place when speaking or chewing. Hybrid dentures retained by dental implants allow you to bite and chew will full force. Your diet is no longer restricted to soft, easy-to-eat foods that aren’t particularly nutritious. With implant retained dentures, you can enjoy foods that are high in protein and fiber that you would have been unable to consume before. 

Dental implant restoration treatment can be completed at the practice of Shawna Hawk, D.D.S. For more information about this long-lasting teeth replacement option, contact our practice today.


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