What You Need To Know About Invisalign

If you deal with crooked or misaligned teeth, you may have questions on how to straighten them easily. Invisalign is an easy way to straighten your teeth discreetly and quickly. Your dentist, Dr. Lauri Barge, in Flower Mound, TX, can help answer any questions you may have about Invisalign and help you determine if it is the right treatment for you and your lifestyle.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a treatment process that uses clear aligners to gently and slowly put pressure on your teeth and over a short period of time, give you the straight smile that you deserve. Your dentist in Flower Mound, TX, will fit you for a set of aligners custom made for your teeth. All you have to do is wear these aligners every day for at least 22 hours. You’ll only take your Invisalign out to eat, brush, floss, and drink. Otherwise, keep your aligners in the whole day and your smile will be straight before you know it.

Every few weeks, you’ll switch out your old aligners for a new pair to continue straightening your teeth a little bit at a time. Invisalign is a fairly quick process and can take anywhere from 9-15 months to finish. In this time, you’ll visit your dentist a few times just to check in and make sure that you’re progressing as expected.

Invisalign is a simple treatment that can straighten your smile without anyone knowing. You can also eat whatever foods you want without any restrictions since you’ll be taking your aligners out to eat. Invisalign can fit in with any busy schedule and won’t add any extra time to your normal routine so it is very convenient.

Contact Your Dentist Today!

If you’re struggling with misaligned or crooked teeth, contact Dr. Barge in Flower Mound, TX, to find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign! Call (972) 539-3800 today!