Why Should I Consider a Dental Implant?

While most tooth-loss patients can benefit from a removable denture device, there are other options available for those looking to restore missing teeth. For instance, you may want to consider a dental implant instead if you want a tooth replacement that will give you comfort and stability for an extended period. Here at Dr. Bimal Mehta's office in Houston, TX, your dentist and her team can help put your smile back together with this amazing restorative treatment—read on to learn more!

Why You Should Consider Dental Implants
While many patients who struggle with tooth loss assume that their only recourse is a temporary denture, they may benefit more from a dental implant or implant-supported device. These are some of the reasons why you should consider dental implants over its alternatives:

- You won’t have to take your new tooth (or set of teeth) out for cleaning or sterilizing.
- There’s no need to use bonding agents to keep your implant in place.
- Implant devices integrate with and strengthen your bone tissue, ensuring that the jawline keeps its shape and remains intact.
- Dental implants can be outfitted with attractive white porcelain crowns.

But Is a Dental Implant Right for You?
Patients must pass a dental exam in order to be eligible for dental implants. Firstly, the gums must be free of disease or infection. Secondly, there must be ample bone material remaining in the socket where you want to replace the tooth. Fortunately, if you don't initially qualify, there are certain procedures such as gum grafts that can turn you into a viable candidate!

Details About the Implantation Procedure
You’ll likely visit the dentist two or three times to complete a dental implant procedure. The first visit is to determine if the treatment will work for your smile. At the second visit, your dentist will insert the implant into your jaw, an action that requires a minor oral surgery procedure. At your next visit, which will likely happen a few months later, a crown restoration and abutment (a supporting device) will be installed.

Call for an Appointment to Talk about Dental Implants
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Bimal Mehta's office in Houston, TX, dial (713) 622-8326 today.

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