Do I Need a Crown or Filling?

Crowns and tooth fillings are both effective dental treatments, but which one is a better choice?


Well, it depends. Each treatment has its own time and place in which it would be the best option.


Ultimately, your family dentist should choose what’s best for your situation. However, it can’t hurt to learn more about crowns and fillings. So let’s take a look at the differences of the two and figure out which one is a better choice.

Crowns vs. Fillings

  • Crowns

  • Severely damaged or decayed tooth
  • More expensive
  • Completed in 2 dental visits
  • Covers decayed teeth
  • Requires impressions
  • Fillings

  • Minor tooth damage or decay
  • More affordable
  • Completed in 1 dental visit
  • Fills in decayed teeth
  • No impressions

When Crowns Are the Best Choice

Crowns are best suited for severely damaged and weakened teeth, though they can be used for minor damage as well. In cases where the tooth has a lot of damage, a filling would not be enough to properly restore the tooth. Instead, a dental crown would be used for the job. 

Crowns are tooth caps that cover decayed or cracked teeth. They protect the tooth from experiencing any further damage and sensitivity. When it comes to durability, crowns take the cake over fillings. Because of this and the need for impressions, porcelain crowns or ceramic crowns tend to be more expensive than fillings. Your dentist will be able to help you determine the pros and cons of dental crowns for your unique situation.

When Fillings Are the Best Choice

Fillings are meant for teeth that have minor decay or damage. So if you only have a small cavity or chip in your tooth, getting a filling would make the most sense. You can, however, still get a crown if you’d like, but the downside is the higher cost. During the dental filling procedure, a dentist will drill to remove any decayed tooth matter and will then fill in the tooth with dental amalgam or composite resin. 

Composite resin fillings are essentially tooth-colored fillings that match the color of natural tooth enamel. Unlike crowns, fillings only take one visit to complete. Since the process is not as involved, the cost of teeth fillings is significantly less than that of crowns.

As you can see, there really isn’t a clear-cut winner when it comes to fillings and crowns. Each treatment has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. It all comes down to your specific situation and how much time and money you’re willing to invest. Talk to your Seville dentist about which option would be the best for your particular case to ensure that you’re getting the proper treatment for your smile.

Dr. Landry DDS at Landry Family Dentistry has dedicated his career to providing patients with the highest level of dental care. If you are interested in learning more about our dental services, feel free to call our Seville family dentistry at (330) 769-4470.

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