6 Reasons to Choose Invisalign over Braces

Some people aren't aware of the new alternative to braces for getting perfectly straight teeth. Invisalign is a cutting-edge technology that uses clear aligners to fix crowding, bite imperfections, and spacing issues. If you're considering getting braces, check out these six reasons why you may want to choose Invisalign instead.

1.) Easier to Clean

When you have braces, sometimes it can be difficult to give your teeth a good cleaning. Food gets stuck in hard-to-reach places, which can lead to poor dental hygiene if not taken care of. On the other hand, Invisalign aligners are easy to pop out and clean. You won't have to worry about flossing or brushing in between brackets and wires because Invisalign aligners are completely removable.

2.) No Food Restrictions

Orthodontists tell their patients not to eat certain foods or chew gum after they get their braces put on. Unfortunately, some patients ignore this suggestion and end up damaging their brackets or wires. Since Invisalign aligners can easily be taken off your teeth, your Invisalign dentist will tell you you're allowed to eat whatever foods you'd like without having to worry about damaging your aligners.

3.) More Comfortable

Although they may be uncomfortable when you first get them, the Invisalign clear aligners are typically more comfortable than braces because there are no sharp edges from brackets that can potentially scrape your mouth. Also, you don't have to get Invisalign tightened by your orthodontist. 

During the course of Invisalign treatment, you are given multiple sets of clear aligners that you change every two weeks. Each aligner is slightly adjusted from the one previous, and you may feel a minor tightness that lasts only a day or two after you put in a new set of aligners.

4.) Virtually Invisible

One of the most common complaints people have about traditional metal braces is that they're unattractive. Everyone notices your smile, so you may not want braces to cover it up. Thankfully, clear aligner treatment can offer the same results as braces without being unattractive. Invisalign aligners are made out of clear plastic, so they're hardly noticeable when you smile.

5.) Fewer Trips to the Orthodontist

Braces require patients to visit the orthodontist to get their wires tightened, while patients with Invisalign are given multiple sets of transparent aligners they can change out on their own. Invisalign patients still have routine orthodontist appointments to see how things are moving along, but they usually aren't as often as a tightening appointment for braces every 4-8 weeks.

6.) No Discoloration

Some patients with braces experience slight discoloration of their teeth in the spots the brackets were in. This typically only occurs if the patient consumes a lot of sugar or other staining foods. Although there's only a small chance you'll experience teeth discoloration from braces, you can avoid it altogether by going with Invisalign instead. 

The aligners are not mounted to your teeth, so it's very easy to thoroughly clean all of your teeth. Your Seville dentist will be able to help you determine the pros and cons of Invisalign so you can make an informed decision for your smile.

Dr. Landry DDS at Landry Family Dentistry is dedicated to helping patients achieve their best smiles. If you would like to learn if you are a candidate for Invisalign or learn about our other dental services, contact our Seville Invisalign dentist at (330) 769-4470.

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