Dental Crowns: Uses, Procedure, and Cost

Like the name suggests, dental crowns cover the entire visible portion of your tooth above the gum line. In other words, they “crown” the top of your teeth. Crowns can significantly improve the appearance of your smile, which can help improve self-esteem and oral health. An experienced Seville family dentist will also use dental crowns to strengthen your teeth so that you can eat and talk with confidence.


In this blog post, we will be providing an overview of dental crownsthat will cover the uses, procedure, and costs. It is our goal for you to walk into the dentist’s office feeling prepared and ready to seek treatment.


Uses for Dental Crowns


Dentists use crowns to repair smiles suffering from a variety of dental issues.


  • Teeth that need dental bridges
  • Cracked teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Decayed teeth
  • Discolored and misshapen teeth


If you notice any of the above issues in your own smile, you may want to schedule an appointment with a reputable family dentistry in your area. A dentist can determine your eligibility for a dental crown procedure and set up the next steps in your treatment plan.


Crown Procedure


A new dental crown only requires two trips to the dentist. During your first visit, the dentist will examine your teeth to see if they are strong enough to support a crown. If your teeth pass inspection, the dentist will begin to file and prep your tooth so the crown will be able to easily fit over top.


Next, the dentist will want to take an impression of your teeth and send it off to a lab. The lab will be responsible for designing a crown customized to your tooth. In the meantime, the dentist will place a temporary crown on top of your tooth to tide you over.


When you return to the dentist’s office, the temporary crown will be removed and replaced with a permanent one. The new crown will then be secured with a special kind of glue. Once the dental crown treatment is complete, you’ll be able to enjoy your new smile for up to 40 years!


Cost of Dental Crowns


The cost of dental crowns can range anywhere between $500 and $900 per tooth. Keep in mind that these are just estimates. The cost of your dental crown may differ based on the materials used. For example, porcelain crowns are more expensive than gold crowns or porcelain fused to metal crowns. Be sure to check with your insurance company ahead of time to see if crowns are covered by your policy.


If you are experiencing serious dental discomfort, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Many dental issues can be fixed with a new crown, so be sure to consult with your dentist about your treatment options.


If you are interested in learning more about our dental crown services, please feel free to call our Seville family dentistry at (330) 769-4470. Dr. Joseph G. Landry II DDS has dedicated his career to providing patients with the highest level of dental care.

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