Regain Confidence with Cosmetic Dentistry

Do you ever feel self-conscious about your teeth to the extent you try to hide your smile? If this describes you, we encourage you to talk to your dentist about cosmetic dentistry. The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to improve the appearance and overall health of your smile so that you can feel confident. Ever wonder what it’s like to be the person with the biggest smile in a group photo? Schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist today.


In this blog post, we will go over some of the most common reasons patients seek out cosmetic dentistry services.


Cosmetic dentistry can repair the following in your smile:


  • Discolored and Stained Teeth
  • Cavities
  • Chipped Teeth
  • Crooked and Gapped Teeth
  • Decaying and Missing Teeth


Discolored and Stained Teeth


Tired of looking at stained teeth in the mirror? Certain foods and beverages can make our smiles less than pearly white, such as coffee or red wine. While it can be hard to kick the caffeine addiction, you should know that these types of beverages create tooth enamel stains. Other habits, such as smoking, can discolor natural tooth enameland damage gums.


If you haven’t achieved the teeth whitening results you want with over-the-counter toothpastes, gels, and light applicators, you may want to consult with an experienced Seville cosmetic dentist. A professional teeth whitening treatment can help you see immediate improvement in the whiteness of your teeth. Dentists use thicker peroxide gels, potassium nitrate and fluoride desensitizers to help control gum and tooth sensitivity.


If your teeth are naturally discolored, you may want to consider bonding resins and porcelain veneers. In addition to correcting a variety of dental conditions, they can also be matched to the color of your surrounding teeth for a whiter smile.




Metal fillings make for an unattractive smile. Fortunately, ceramic and acrylic fillings can mimic the natural color of your teeth so no one has to know you had cavities filled. Many of our patients appreciate having the option for white fillings for permanent adult teeth.


Metal fillings are hardly discrete, especially when you have multiple cavities filled at once. To avoid having a mouth full of metal, you may want to choose tooth-colored fillings. Metal fillings are easy to spot against a backdrop of white tooth enamel; however, they are less expensive.


Missing Teeth


If you are missing teeth, you may benefit from a dental bridge or dental implant procedure. Dental bridges allow you to anchor a false tooth between two healthy strong teeth. A dental implant screws into your jaw and is capped with a dental crown for the appearance and function of a natural tooth.


It’s not uncommon for patients to be missing teeth from playing contact sports or from not being able to pay for dental treatment. If you would like to pursue dental treatment for missing teeth, we recommend you speak with a dentist in your area to go over your options.


If you are interested in our cosmetic dentistry services, please feel free to call our Seville OH family dentistry at (330) 769-4470. Dr. Joseph G. Landry II DDS runs a cosmetic dental practice with the goal of helping patients achieve their best smile.

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7:30 am-4:30 pm


7:30 am-4:30 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm




8:00 - 12:00, By Appointment Only

