What Happens During a Teeth Cleaning?

When was the last time you sat in the dentist’s chair? Bi-annual teeth cleanings are important for safeguarding your oral health, but are you aware of everything that happens during a visit to your dentist?

Waiting Room

When you come to our Seville dental office, make your way to the front desk so we are aware you are here. Our secretary may ask you to reaffirm your phone number and address to ensure that we have your most current contact information on file. We may also ask you if there have been any changes to your medical history since your last visit with us.

While you wait for your appointment, you can pass the time away by reading our selection of magazines. When the time for your appointment arrives, a dental hygienist will call your name and you will follow them to the room where you will receive your dental cleaning.

Hygienist Inspection

Once you are situated, the hygienist will do an initial inspection of your teeth and gums to gauge their health. They will use a small mirror to check every nook and cranny of your mouth. If they notice a major issue, they may flag down a dentist to determine if you need additional care.

Plaque and Tartar Removal

Your hygienist will use a dental tool called a scaler to scrape away plaque from the surface of your teeth. This step is important because plaque can develop into tartar, which is harder to remove. Plaque and tartar are responsible for introducing bacteria in your mouth, which can cause bad breath, yellow teeth, gum disease, and tooth decay. Removing built-up plague and tartar is your best defense against future cavities.


Your hygienist will ask you what flavor toothpaste you prefer (bubblegum, mint, strawberry, etc.) before brushing your teeth. We use a special electric toothbrush that helps remove any remaining debris from the previous plague and tartar removal phase. You will find that the toothpaste has a gritty texture, which is meant to polish your teeth.


Your hygienist will floss between your teeth to ensure that all debris is cleared from your smile. Flossing is also a great habit to get into. We recommend that you floss at least once a day to maintain a healthy mouth.


If you’re at the rinsing phase, you’re almost done with your time in the dentist’s chair! After the hygienistrinses your teeth and gums, just sit tight until the dentist comes to do the final inspection of your gums and teeth.

Dentist Inspection

Dentists provide that last stamp of approval before we send you on your way. They use their knowledge and experience to check your mouth for any issues. If an oral health concern was discovered during the course of your teeth cleaning, your dentist will further explain the issue and discuss possible solutions.

Scheduling Your Next Appointment

After your dental treatment, you may be prompted to schedule your next appointment with us, which will be 6 months out. It is important to schedule your appointment not a day earlier than this 6 month mark so that your insurance company will cover your future dental cleaning. 


At the very end, we will print out your bill and discuss how much your insurance covered and how much you owe us for the dental service. Most insurance companies recognize the value of preventative care and will cover most, if not all, of the cost of your dental cleaning.

If you would like to schedule your next teeth cleaning appointment with us or learn more about our dental services, feel free to call our Seville dentists at (330) 769-4470. At , our dentists are always happy to improve our patient’s health through quality dental care.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule




7:30 am-4:30 pm


7:30 am-4:30 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm




8:00 - 12:00, By Appointment Only

