Toothache Special

Understanding Jaw and Facial Pain

Are you aware of the risks associated with jaw and facial pain? Not only can dental problems cause you pain and discomfort throughout the day, but the pain be early warning signs of something much more serious. You will need to visit your dentist for a comprehensive exam and X-rays to determine what is causing your jaw and facial pain. Once the causes are identified, ae treatment plan can be developed.

To ensure your smile receives the care it needs, you will need to always inspect your teeth and gums for any signs of dental damage. Furthermore, be aware of any discomfort, tenderness or pain that you may feel. If you frequently wake up feeling any kind of jaw and facial pain or noticed that jaw pain affects you at various times of the day, you may be suffering from an underlying condition that needs to be treated. Various conditions including bruxism, TMJ disorders, gum disease and toothaches are all known for producing jaw and facial pain.

Once the damage has been assessed, treatment can be begin. Treatment such as exercise therapy and mouth guards can be used to keep your smile safe, although various medications such as muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics may help. If an underlying condition is the cause of your jaw and facial pain, it will need to be corrected, which can include the use of root canal therapy, periodontal treatment or even a tooth extraction.

Are there any remaining questions you have about jaw and facial pain? To improve your smile with effective treatments for jaw and facial pain, you are welcome to schedule a visit to our dentist in Plano, Texas. Dr. Jesse Taylor and our team at Plano Parkway Dental look forward to speaking with you soon! To contact us, please call our dental office at 972-519-0990.

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