Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile

Turn that frown upside down with cosmetic dentistry.

We know how much your smile can impact just about every facet of your life, from your appearance to your confidence. That’s why your dentist, Dr. Anuradha Vaddineni, loves helping patients achieve their dream smiles through cosmetic dentistry in North Richland Hills, TX. Here at Precinct Line Dentistry, our team prides itself on crafting smiles that are as unique as every patient that walks through our doors. Wondering how cosmetic dentistry could improve your smile? Here are just some of the ways:

Fix Chipped Teeth

While tooth enamel is incredibly durable, teeth are still prone to cracking and chipping. Fortunately, there are several ways to correct this issue. Minor chips can simply be buffed away, while dental bonding can help to fill in small chips and restore the shape and appearance of the tooth. More extensive chips may require dental veneers to fully hide this imperfection.

Close Gaps Between Teeth

Gaps in your smile can certainly leave you feeling self-conscious, but there are ways in which our North Richland Hills, TX, cosmetic dentistry team can close up these gaps. If you are interested in braces, we do offer nearly invisible aligners and discreet orthodontic options that are less visible than traditional braces. Not keen on braces? No problem! Sometimes veneers are all you need to close up gaps and make teeth appear straighter.

Say Goodbye to Stains and Discolorations

One of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments we offer is teeth whitening because it provides our patients a fast, easy way to get a visibly whiter smile in about one hour. Want dramatically whiter results? Our chairside whitening can easily remove stubborn yellow and dark stains and Brighten the overall color of your teeth for amazing results.

Gain a More Symmetrical Smile

Do you have a tooth that sticks out? Dealing with pointy canines? There may be one or two teeth that are just a little longer than the rest, which can throw off the overall shape of your smile. This is an easy fix. Minor treatment options include tooth reshaping where we shave off some enamel to reshape the tooth, dental bonding to lengthen short teeth, or dental veneers to make sure all teeth are the exact same shape and size.

Make Teeth Stronger

While cosmetic dentistry is not designed to improve damaged or weak teeth, many cosmetic enhancements can actually bolster and reinforce healthy tooth structures to keep teeth strong and healthy. If your teeth have been worn down by grinding or clenching, certain cosmetic options can make them stronger and more resilient.

Are you interested in turning to your dentist, Dr. Anu of Precinct Line Dentistry, for cosmetic dentistry in North Richland Hills, TX? If so, the next step is to call our office at (817) 663-0076 to schedule a consultation.

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Precinct Line Dentistry


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7:30 am-4:30 pm


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9:00 am-2:00 pm



